Ultra Realistic Digital Humans - AI that can Express and Empathize 

Partner with us to create the best quality Digital Human Experiences powered by ChatGPT, Emotion Engine TM & Ultra Realistic 3D models. 

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About Us


We are an artificial intelligence company dedicated to create digital avatars that can engage with customers, employees, or any other users in a human-like manner using GPT and large language models. Our avatar effortlessly transition between topics, cultivating meaningful connections enriched by human-like emotions and gestures, bridging the gap between virtual and real. The name 86b was chosen because it reflects the approximately 86 billion neurons in the human brain, symbolizing the company's commitment to creating Al that closely emulates human intelligence and behaviour.

Customizable Avatars

Be it the face of a Team member or a non exitant Digital personality, have an avatar that reresent the true vision of your organization

Quick Data Training

Your avatars can read through your product FAQs, policy documents or any manuals and be ready to answer to the world in a very short time

Emotion Engine

Powered by the propritery EMotion Engine, the Avatars are super expressive and never miss to smile or show empathy even on the most stressful days

Multi LLM Suport

Connect to the LLM of your choice to ensure the compatability with the organizations backend and get ready in no time

Create a personalized and engaging employee onboarding and issue resolution experience with a Digital Human improving the retention rate and overall satisfaction.

Digital Humans - Possibilities

Digital Avatars have the potential to transform a wide range of industries, such as education, healthcare, retail, banking, finance, and more. These applications are just the beginning; they can be adapted to suit many other industries, such as hospitality, travel, aviation, telecommunications, etc. where they can provide personalized experiences and support to enhance customer experience and improve operational efficiency. Their versatility and adaptability make them valuable assets across a wide array of sectors.


  • Companion for Patients
    Digital avatars offer companionship and conversation to patients, reducing feelings of loneliness by providing them with someone to talk to, share their thoughts, and seek emotional support.

  • Streamlined Patient Care
    Digital avatars can assist patients by answering medical questions, explaining treatment plans, and offering guidance on medication management, leading to improved patient understanding and adherence.


  • Expat Students Onboarding
    Digital avatars help prospective students and their families explore UAE schools, providing information on the curriculum, facilities, and extracurricular activities to aid in decision-making.

  • Multilingual Learning
    These avatars can provide tutoring and educational support in various languages, catering to the diverse backgrounds of students from expat families. This ensures children are not disadvantaged due to language barriers.


  • Tailored Shopping Assistance
    Digital avatars guide customers through the shopping process, helping them find specific products and providing personalized recommendations based on their preferences.

  • Expert Product Knowledge
    They can answer customer questions about product details, availability, and specifications, enhancing the shopping experience with accurate and timely information.

Banking & Finance

  • Guided Assistance for Complex Processes
    Digital Avatars walk customers through complex banking documentation, terms, and processes, making it easier for them to understand and navigate financial products.

  • 24/7 Availability for Support
    Digital humans offer around-the-clock assistance for customers, answering questions about accounts, loans, and other financial services, and providing clarity and peace of mind.


  • Conversations Over Solitude: Prioritize dialogue by understanding your visitors' needs and delivering tailored experiences.
  • Precision in Place of Quest: Leverage the expertise of digital humans to offer refined product suggestions, transcending traditional search methods.
  • Quicker Conversions: Infuse vitality into your brand's essence and cultivate assured customers.


  • Conversations Over Solitude: Prioritize dialogue by understanding your visitors' needs and delivering tailored experiences.
  • Precision in Place of Quest: Leverage the expertise of digital humans to offer refined product suggestions, transcending traditional search methods.
  • AI Tailored to You: Craft engaging encounters that surpass the limitations of static websites, embracing the power of personalized AI-driven interactions.

The Technology

Inspired by the how 86 Billion neurons in the Human Brain understand everything and respond with proper emotions.

State of the art Emotion Engine

The core of our AI-powered avatars that brings a new dimension of interactivity to digital interactions

  • Perception: The emotion engine uses sensors or data inputs to detect emotional cues from a user, such as facial expressions, voice intonations, or text inputs.
  • Recognition: Advanced algorithms interpret these cues to determine the user’s emotional state.
  • Understanding: The system contextualizes the emotions within the interaction to generate appropriate responses.
  • Response: The avatar can then exhibit behaviors or provide feedback that aligns with the recognized emotions, enhancing the user experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are few FAQs about AI(Large Language Models) powered Digital Humans to get you started:

1. What is an AI LLM powered digital human?

An AI LLM powered digital human is a virtual representation that uses advanced language models like GPT-3.5 to understand and process human language, providing human-like interactions through text or voice1.

2. How do AI LLMs enhance the capabilities of digital humans?

AI LLMs like ChatGPT and Bard enable digital humans to generate dialogues quickly, recognize various languages and dialects, and align conversations with brand values, significantly reducing development time and effort1.

3. Can AI LLM powered digital humans understand different languages and dialects?

Yes, one of the key advantages of AI LLMs is their ability to comprehend and communicate in multiple languages, including regional dialects and slang, making them versatile tools for global interaction1.

4. Are AI LLM powered digital humans reliable for customer service?

AI-powered digital humans provide impressively natural and successful customer interactions. However, they may occasionally produce inaccurate information, so it’s important to have oversight and regular updates to ensure reliability1.

5. What industries can benefit from AI LLM powered digital humans?

Various industries, including retail, healthcare, finance, and education, can benefit from AI LLM powered digital humans for tasks such as customer service, patient care, financial advising, and tutoring, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.



Sharjah Research Technology and Innovation Park

University City - Sharjah, UAE

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